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Work-based learning

Unlock the full potential of work-based learning with our expert strategies and programmes

Employee receives training at cafe

Create a robust framework for your organisation or industry’s work-based learning initiatives. Our team offers extensive knowledge and practical experience in work-based learning strategies and policies. Our expertise also extends to developing and reviewing internships, work experience programmes, apprenticeships, National Occupational Standards and vocational qualifications.

Drive success for your work-based learning solutions

Work-based learning offers learners the opportunity to gain practical, real-work environment experience and develop important soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. It helps bridge the gap between theory and practice while fostering valuable partnerships between education and industry.

Our team offers unparalleled expertise in this area, drawing from a wealth of practical experience in successfully implementing work-based learning programmes across a diverse range of sectors, countries, and regions.

Team of multicultural young people pointing on wall with glued colourful paper notes

How we can help

From strategic planning to execution, our team works closely with you to ensure that every step towards development, implementation and continuous evaluation drives success for your work-based learning initiatives.


Having facilitated, funded and undertaken development of over 20 apprenticeship standards in England on behalf trailblazers in hospitality, retail, travel and aviation (which brought together employers from across the sector as part of the government’s radical reform to create new employer-led apprenticeship standards), and operated one of the first ever models of employer-led external quality assurance, we have unapparelled expertise in this field.

Strategy and policy development

Our collaborative approach fosters an open dialogue between our experts and your team, allowing us to develop strategic plans that align with your vision and goals for implementing work-based learning. Our team will consult on key occupations, provide expert advice on associated policy regulations and identify solutions that optimise the effectiveness of work-based learning.

Programme review and development

We work closely with you to assess your current work-based learning programmes and identify areas for improvement. Using our expert knowledge, we develop, or enhance work-based learning programmes that align with your objectives. By benchmarking programmes against local, regional and international best practice, we offer valuable insights to align your programme with the latest industry trends and practices.

Implementation support

Our experts provide you with practical guidance and support, ensuring seamless application of various work-based learning solutions such as apprenticeships, internships, coaching and mentoring, and vocational training. We also help identify suitable partner organisations such as universities, colleges, training providers, NGOs and support networks to open up new opportunities for collaboration that will generate long-term benefits. To support sustainability, we train your key stakeholders in the necessary skills and knowledge to maintain the momentum of your of work-based learning programmes.

“Through the expert guidance and support of People 1st, a vocational curriculum for tourism has been introduced that will create better opportunities for young people, promote the country and enable a professional and innovative tourism offer for the future in Uzbekistan.” Mr. Rakhmat Rustamov, Deputy-head of State Standards Department, Centre for Specialised Secondary Education of Uzbekistan

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