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Labour market intelligence

Enhance your workforce and skills strategy with powerful labour market insights

Connecting icons of people, labour market

Make informed decisions at an organisational, sectoral or regional level with our data driven labour market intelligence. Leveraging our insights will help you to shape an evidence-based workforce and skills strategy that drives growth and productivity.

Insights and analysis for informed workforce and skills strategies

Accurate and up-to-date labour market intelligence is crucial for making informed decisions about workforce and skills strategies. With our reliable labour market insights, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the supply and demand for certain skills and occupations, as well as any potential gaps or shortages in the workforce.

This expert knowledge helps anticipate future needs and challenges at an organisational, sectoral or regional level, and to develop effective strategies to attract, retain, and develop skilled workers. It also supports in identifying emerging opportunities in new industries or areas of growth.

Female African carpenter working

How we can help

For over 20 years our research has helped shape the delivery of workforce initiatives and people strategies, supporting industry to make evidence-based decisions and to target effective resources in their efforts to improve skills and productivity.

Our labour market research and strategies for youth employment in countries including Honduras, Latvia and Lithuania and Poland have resulted in the release of multi-million dollars’ worth of skills funding from development banks and supported more effective spending in education and training.

Labour market intelligence to identify priority workforce and skills needs

We gather quantitative and qualitative labour market information and provide robust analysis to help you make informed decisions that underpin a successful and dynamic job market. Our expert approaches and resources enable us to gather accurate insights on industry-specific job growth, skill requirements, and emerging job roles.

Mapping skills needs and provision to identify areas to address to meet future workforce and skills needs

Our mapping exercise of skills needs and available provision helps to identify gaps in content, facilitation, and quality of education and training. By closely analysing current trends, demands, and projections, we help you effectively plan for necessary training and education programmes to develop a highly skilled and competent workforce.

Action plan road map

We create recommendations along with an action plan and implementation strategy based on the labour market intelligence and mapping of skills provision. Our goal is to highlight the roadmap of actions needed to address the workforce and skills needs in your organisation, sector or region.

“Once again, the joint work has been very valuable, timely and relevant, and we are optimistic that it will contribute to improving the lives of people in the region. People 1st International’s conviction, experience and knowledge in upskilling and reskilling solutions aligned with job and business opportunities adds value. And the professional and human level of its team makes it very pleasant to work together.” Graciana Rucci, Lead Specialist – Labor Markets Division, Inter-American Development Bank

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