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ABTA LifeLine partners with People 1st International to help redeploy travel sector staff

06 Aug 2020
People 1st International

ABTA LifeLine has partnered with People 1st International to help people in the travel sector whose careers have been impacted by Covid-19 transfer their skills to other sectors.

It is part of a wider scheme that has been launched by People 1st International to help employees in travel, hospitality, retail and aviation to both capitalise and build upon their current skills, as well as learning new industry-specific skills so that they can more easily transition into new roles.

The initiative includes a service to match these skills to available roles in health, social care, logistics, retail and funeral care. It also features a self-assessment tool to help align people to new industries and roles, and to build a profile which can be used to promote their expertise to recruiting employers. Additionally, there is a dedicated 1:1 session with a member of the People 1st International team who can advise on the most appropriate learning package.

People 1st International’s UK Director Sandra Kelly commented:

We’re proud to be working in partnership with ABTA LifeLine to support people across the sector and help redeploy them into industries looking for staff as efficiently as possible, for as long as the disruption impacts vacancies.

“Travel sector employees have especially valuable skills in areas such as planning and logistics, complex problem solving and going above and beyond to meet customer expectations.

“We’re seeing a host of job opportunities opening up in industries where transferable skills are high in demand and we’re keen to help place motivated and passionate professionals with employers seeking complementary values.

ABTA LifeLine’s Director Trudie Clements said

We are delighted to be working with People 1st International, providing travel colleagues with a brilliant opportunity to use their highly valued, transferable skills and be matched to a different sector which is actively hiring. Whether colleagues are looking for a career change or simply to bridge the gap until travel opens again, this scheme will help our people at a most challenging time.”

The redeployment service costs £50 to register which may be reimbursed upon employment. Alternatively, people can apply to ABTA LifeLine for help with this cost if they are financially struggling.

For more information on the service offered through the partnership visit:

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