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Employers and stakeholders encouraged to join a technical expert group to redesign Scottish Modern Apprenticeships

20 Mar 2023
People 1st International

Employers and stakeholders are being encouraged to join a technical expert group to redesign Scottish Modern Apprenticeships in Customer Service, Retail, Travel and Hospitality.

People 1st International is working with Skills Development Scotland to redesign Modern Apprenticeships in customer service, retail, travel and hospitality using an employer-led approach that allows employers to take ownership of the design and construction of apprenticeship to ensure it’s relevant, adaptable and creates the skills they need. The revised framework will help to address skills needs and gaps in these sectors for Scottish employers, whilst also simplifying the apprenticeship landscape.

We’re looking for employers and industry stakeholders to join the Technical Expert Group (TEG). We are recruiting for individuals who:

  • have experience of the knowledge, skills and behavioural requirements of a competent workforce within a specific occupational area
  • understand sector trends and future industry developments which may impact on the role of an apprentice
  • are able to confidently and positively contribute to discussions about technical skills and underpinning knowledge at the TEG
  • are prepared to engage in discussions on emerging developments within the context of the apprenticeship
  • are able to represent the views of and make decisions regarding apprenticeship development on behalf of your organisation
  • are able to commit to 3-4 meetings (face to face and virtual) and review draft documents between meetings

The first Technical Expert Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 18 April and will be held virtually. 

Why should employers participate?

  • it’s a unique opportunity to lead change and influence the direction of learning and training on offer in your sector
  • you will be part of shaping the future of Apprenticeships for Scotland
  • with your support we can create apprenticeships that will help your people and drive your business to succeed

Click here to hear what other employers have said about being involved in apprenticeship development.

To express interest in being involved or find out more please contact

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