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Reflecting on SkillsFest24: Showcasing the UK’s global impact on skills and training

26 Sep 2024
People 1st International

This month we took part in the UK Skills Partnership’s SkillsFest24 showcase – a global event designed to highlight innovative solutions from 48 of the UK’s leading skills and training experts. The event brought together a diverse audience of over 11,000 people from outside of the UK, including government ministries, donor banks, NGOs, educational institutions and employers, all eager to discover how UK-driven skills and training approaches are making a global impact.

The showcase highlighted key themes that demonstrate the value and potential of UK expertise in skills development and technical vocational education and training.

Key insights include:


The power of skills to transform lives

At the heart of SkillsFest24 was a powerful reminder of the transformative potential of education and skills development. The UK’s approach to skills development goes beyond traditional education and training models; it’s about empowering individuals with the tools they need to create real, sustainable change in their lives. Whether it’s through vocational training, apprenticeships or innovative technology platforms and training environments, UK skills and training providers have successfully partnered with governments, industry and educators to deliver solutions tailored to local needs, making a lasting impact on workforce development.

UK innovation

It was inspiring to see both large and smaller providers demonstrating practical and effective solutions that are addressing global skills challenges. There were a range of scalable, high-impact solutions presented alongside agile and creative approaches tailored to specific industries and needs. The breadth and diversity of these solutions highlighted the strength of the UK as a global leader in skills and training innovation. For countries seeking to improve their education and skills development infrastructure, there is a real opportunity to partner with UK experts to bridge the skills gap.

The importance of partnership

Another important insight from SkillsFest24 was the power of collaboration. The global skills challenges we face are complex and no single organisation can tackle them alone. Partnerships between governments, industry and educational institutions are key to delivering lasting change.

The UK Skills Partnership stands out as a facilitator for collaboration, bringing together further education colleges, independent training providers, sector skills councils, chartered bodies, skills technology suppliers and awarding organisations who can offer their expertise to address global skills needs. SkillsFest24 itself was a prime example of this, as it showcased how experts from across the UK can come together to share their knowledge, good practice and proven solutions.

For UK skills and training providers looking to collaborate, becoming an associate member of the UK Skills Partnership can facilitate these connections and leverage collective expertise to make a meaningful impact on global workforce development.

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