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Assessment of the current set-up of the Sector Skills Councils – Serbia


In June 2021, the Serbian Government adopted a new Strategy for Education Development in Serbia by 2030, aimed to improve the quality and outcomes of education, increase education coverage across all levels, align education with individual and society needs, and enhance the efficiency of educational resources. The strategy prioritises monitoring the labor market’s qualification requirements and enhancing vocational education through the National Qualifications Framework of Serbia (NQFS). The NQF Council oversees Sector Skills Councils (SSCs), which face a number of challenges. To address these, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Office for Dual Education and National Qualifications Framework established an agreement to outline their partnership with the goal to adapt the SSCs inline with the evolving policies and institutional framework, ensuring private sector involvement for labor market-relevant decisions.

Our client

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Aim of the project

The primary aim of the project is to ensure greater effectiveness and private sector participation in the work of the SSCs of Serbia and to improve available data for SSC evidence-based policymaking.

Through the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) funding People 1st International will assist in deploying local experts to guide the company, ensuring proper application of the methodology, providing regular updates to the Ministry, and conducting testing and piloting to ensure platform suitability.

The scope involves deploying two local experts to advise the contracted company, collaborating on the development of the digitized labor market information system, and participating in regular update meetings with the project development team. It also includes furnishing regular updates and reports to the Ministry, actively engaging in the testing and piloting phases, and subsequently evaluating the pilot to propose recommendations for the future rollout of the digitized labor market information system. The collaboration aims to ensure the effective implementation and success of the project.

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