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Hospitality & Tourism Skills (HATS) network, Northern Ireland – UK

Addressing talent attraction and retention in tourism through collaboration

The HATS employer-led network, which formed in 2019, brings together a diverse mix of employers from across the hospitality and tourism sector in Northern Ireland alongside industry associations and key delivery partners from government and education to collectively address issues around sector image, attractiveness and skills development into and within the sector.

The second phase of the project, funded by Invest Northern Ireland, Tourism Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Hotels Federation aims to deliver a three-year action plan, informed by a robust evidence base, with its activities focused across three work-streams:

  1. Engage – harnessing collaborative working across key partners and leveraging existing resources for skills and career development to maximum effect
  2. Retain – promoting good working practices and building industry awareness of available skills support to retain talent.
  3. Attract – maximising promotion of the sector to encourage and support recruitment of new talent into future employment.


Find out more and become a member of the HATS network

Play a leading role in influencing industry-led approaches to attraction, retention and engagement strategies. Join HATS now to support industry growth and access a range of insights, best practice and guidance on available skills support to help you attract and develop talent.

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