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Chef Management & Leadership Programme

Give your head chefs and aspiring head chefs the knowledge and skills needed to manage, motivate and retain staff effectively

Head chef with touchscreen tablet

With chefs traditionally having been promoted because of their culinary skills, many haven’t received the management and leadership development that would have been available to other roles.

As businesses now face intense competition to recruit and retain talent, there’s a heightened need for head chefs and aspiring head chefs to become better people managers and to possess the skills and confidence needed to engage, support, develop and motivate their teams.

Who should take the course?

This programme is aimed at head chefs and aspiring head chefs. The programme is 2.5 days and can be delivered flexibly over shorter bite-sized sessions.

What does it cover?

  • Leading a team
  • HR practices
  • Effective recruitment
  • Retaining your staff

Benefits of the programme

– Ability to attract and retain a diverse workforce within the kitchen

– Improved understanding of what fair work looks like, and the benefits of implementing the principles of fair work

– Ability to develop and implement strategies to improve chef job quality, retain staff and improve productivity

– Improved understanding of equality and diversity issues and how to actively address them

– Awareness of training and development opportunities and existing support available

  • – Practical advice on how to engage with the education sector to inspire future talent

Hear from others

Over 60 head chefs and aspiring head chefs across Scotland completed the Chef Management & Leadership Training Programme to develop the knowledge and skills needed to manage, motivate and retain staff effectively. Discover more about how the programme has helped transform their skills.

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